What You Need
A bar of Ivory brand soap
A microwavable plate
What You Do
1. Place the ivory soap on the microwavable plate.
2. With a knife, cut the bar of soap into pieces.
3. Place plate in microwave for 1-2 minutes
4. Watch and see what happens!

Make sure you let the soap cool because it will be hot, then let the kids play with this fun cloud of soap!

The Science Behind It

The bar of soap has small air bubbles in it.  When the microwaves travel through the soap, it causes the air bubbles to rapidly increase.  This rapid expansion results in the "exploded soap" effect.  

Source: http://itsysparks.com/exploding-soap-science-experiment/

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    As a group of college students going into Elementary Education, we chose to create a project that gives the science behind the project and makes it easier for children and teachers to understand.


    November 2013

